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Release Notes: 20.04.1 - Submittal Enhancements
Release Notes: 20.04.1 - Submittal Enhancements

What's new in TriBuild from February 27th 2020

Eleanor Bohle avatar
Written by Eleanor Bohle
Updated over a week ago

Submittal Enhancements

One of the most commonly used areas of TriBuild is the Submittal module for tracking the entire submittal workflow in TriBuild CM. 

In this week's release we have a few enhancements to make Submittals in TriBuild much better to use.

Custom Templates
Templates help simplify document creation. Templates can not only ease your workload but save time and money. They also add consistency and clarity to your projects. Many of you commented that you would like to create your own submittal templates.

Today we are happy to announce that if you want to make changes to the standard TriBuild Submittal template, or even start from scratch and build your own from the ground up, you can do so as we now support Custom Submittal Templates.

Copy Link
Currently, in the Submittal module on the action menu for a Submittal, there is a function called "copy link". When clicked it opens a window with an encrypted link to the Submittal. This link can be placed on any document and it will open the Submittal to view (not edit).

Here's a screenshot for a better visual:

Simply clicking on "Create Link" will now generate a link to the Submittal that you can send to anyone via email or embed in documents. It creates a view only link to the doc.

Various Bugs and Fixes
We have also changed the wording on the printed view of the PO document. Buyer and Requester fields have been changed to Ordered By and Ordered For. 

Live Chat to Learn More

As always - if you have any questions or want some training around these new features & improvements - ask the helpful Customer Success team through the live chat bubble available to you on every page of the TriBuild product or help guide.

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